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Chcel by si trénovať s futbalovými trénermi West Ham United a skautmi
počas ich sústredenia 16 až 19 júna v Šamoríne?
Soccon, sport agency was founded in 2001. Ing. Emil Kovarovic,the founder, is a FIFA players’ agent, licensed by the Slovak Football Association (SFA). He holds the SFA’s coach licence, and also worked in SFA’s international department, then for Ipswich Town FC as a european scout.
Our company works in the following areas:
pointing out, searching and recommending players and football coaches
transactions with players and clubs
dealing with players’ employment contracts
assisting players in finding new clubs
arranging trials and loans
tournaments, friendly matches and training camps arrangements
We identify young players with potential and assist them in achieving their career goals. But we offer also players capped in national team. Our experience includes negotiating at national and local level, designing and advising on employment contracts.
Soccon, sport agency is a local representative of Euro – Sportring in Slovakia, foundation organizing international tournaments.